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Enhanced BASIC, update by Lee Davison

  • Download version 1.10/1.01 source [Download].

    This page details updates which are specific to the EASY68k version of EhBASIC. For general update details go here.

    25th April 2003.

    Added the TI function. It returns the time as 100ths of seconds since midnight.

    The version is now 1.10/1.01. Enjoy.

    17th April 2003.
    Added the POINT(X,Y) function.

    To maintain the same version sequence as the generic version of EhBASIC68 a sub version number has been added for the EASy68k extansions. This version is therfore 1.09/1.00. Enjoy.

    9th April 2003.
    Added graphics commands to support the graphics routines available in EASy68k. Most of them are now directly accessible using the new BASIC commands.

    The version number is now 1.06. Enjoy.

    e-mail me [e-mail]
    Last page update: 25th April, 2003.