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Enhanced BASIC, example programs by Lee Davison

Here are some example programs that can be run under EhBASIC for the EASY68k Assembly Language Programming Tool. Most of them rely on features of that version of EhBASIC.

For more general example programs see here.

Running EhBASIC under the EASy68k simulator environment means you can take advantage of the following...

The programs are all available as plain text and will load as such. However saving the program as a binary will make loading faster next time.


LOAD "STARTREK.BAS" Load the plain text program.

SAVE "STARTREK.BIN" Save it back as a binary

Then next time just do ..
LOAD "STARTREK.BIN" Load the binary program, much faster.
There is no significance in the file extensions. You can chose any file name and extension you wish.

Additions, comments and suggestions always welcome. Enjoy.

The programs
Program Description HTML page Zipped source

Soon ..

e-mail me [e-mail]
Last page update: 16th April, 2003.