Enhanced 740 BASIC by Lee Davison
Enhanced BASIC74 is a BASIC interpreter for the 740 microprocessor family. It is constructed to be quick and powerful and includes instructions to facilitate easy low level handling of 740 family hardware devices. It also retains most of the powerful high level instructions from similar BASICs.DocumentsEhBASIC74 is derived from EhBASIC for the 6502 and shares much of the code used in that BASIC. However EhBASIC74 also includes enhancements to make it specifically more usefull on the Mitsubishi 740 series of single chip micros. While it was developed on the M38067 it should be possible to run it on most of the 740 family with only minor modifications.
EhBASIC74 is free but not copyright free. For non commercial use there is only one restriction, any derivative work should include, in any binary image distributed, the string "Derived from EhBASIC" and in any distribution that includes human readable files a file that includes the above string in a human readable form e.g. not as a comment in an HTML file.
For commercial use please e-mail me for conditions.
Language reference Code examples
Download version 1.08 source , binary
or Intel hex