Index MEMORY PLUS Manual By Lee Davison

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  9.	Turn on the power supply.  Using the MICRO monitor, examine and modify
	a few RAM locations to verify that they basically work.  With the RAM
	switch set to 2000, locations 2000 through 3FFF are accessible.  If you
	are unable to examine and modify these locations, then check steps 2 to
	8 for any errors.  If you can not find anything you did wrong, then go
	to the section on "MEMORY PLUS Testing and Field Repair" on page 16.

  10.	If the above preliminary examination of RAM memory is successful, then
	you are ready to run a more rigorous memory test.  Follow the instruc-
	tions in the section on "RAM Memory Test".  If these tests work, and
	all you plan to use on MEMORY PLUS is the RAM, then you are done with
	the initial set up and check out.

  11.	If you plan to use the EPROM Programmer, you must build the cable that
	goes between the MICRO and MEMORY PLUS application connectors if you
	have not already done so.  Follow the wiring list labelled "MEMORY
	PLUS to MICRO Connections".  Carefully check the cable you built and
	review the power connections as discussed in step 6 above.

  12.	Connect the MICRO and MEMORY PLUS together with the application cable.

  13.	No specific tests are provided for testing the VIA.  If you wish to
	test this chip, read the section on "VERSATILE INTERFACE ADAPTER" and
	the "MCS6522 VERSATILE INTERFACE ADAPTER - Data Sheet" contained in
	your MICRO Manual.  You may then devise your own tests dependent on how
	you intend to use the VIA chip.

  14.	The only simple way to test the EPROM Programmer is to program an
	EPROM.  The EPROM Programmer requires a +25 volts at 30 milliamps.
	The best way to provide this is by using the on board regulator
	circuit.  A +27 to +30V unregulated supply can be connected to
	pin E-3 of the MEMORY PLUS expansion connector.  See the section on
	"EPROM Programming" for details.  This will provide about +24.7V
	for EPROM programming and will prevent over voltages which can
	destroy an  EPROM.  Follow the instructions in the "EPROM Program-
	ming" section and program an EPROM.

  15.	Once you have a programmed EPROM, you can place it into the correct
	EPROM socket and try to use it.  The "standard" addresses for the MEMORY
	PLUS board are C000 - C7FF, C800 - CFFF, D000 - D7FF, and D800 - DFFF.
	Set the ROM Select Switch to the desired 8K starting address.  Since the
	EPROM Programmer Program verified as it programmed, the contents should
	be correct.  If not, then there is probably a problem in where you have
	placed the EPROM (wrong socket) or which direction you have inserted the
	EPROM (pin 1 goes upper right corner).  If the contents of the EPROM
	look okay, then execute the code to determine if it runs correctly.
	If the code looks correct, then it should run properly.

  16.	Congratulations.  You now have an expanded MICRO system with a lot of
	new capabilities.  You should now make yourself more familiar with the
	MEMORY PLUS facilities by re-reading the documentation, particularly
	the VIA Data Sheet.


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Last page update: 8th December, 2002.