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IDE Bus interface Demo BASIC program

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10 REM set disk interface values
20 REM enhanced BASIC version

30 REM supports ATA but not ATAPI devices

100 AD=$F100 : REM interface base address
110 IO=AD+$00 : REM input/output register - 16 bits
120 ER=AD+$02 : REM error/precomp register
130 SC=AD+$04 : REM sector count
140 SS=AD+$06 : REM LBA bits 0 to 7
150 CL=AD+$08 : REM LBA bits 8 to 15
160 CH=AD+$0A : REM LBA bits 26 to 23
170 HR=AD+$0C : REM drive/LBA bits 24 to 27
180 SR=AD+$0E : REM status/command
190 RR=AD+$0C+$10 : REM alternate status/device control
200 AS=AD+$0E+$10 : REM drive address
210 MD=%10100000 : REM these bits must always be set
220 BK=%01000000 : REM value to set LBA mode

1000 REM set parameters to defaults

1005 DOKE RR,6 : REM write device control
1010 DOKE SC,1 : REM sector count
1020 DOKE SS,0 : REM LBA bits 0 to 7
1030 DOKE CL,0 : REM LBA bits 8 to 15
1040 DOKE CH,0 : REM LBA bits 26 to 23
1050 DOKE HR,MD+BK : REM drive/LBA upper 4 bits
1055 DOKE RR,2 : REM write device control

1060 GOSUB 1300
1065 PRINT : GOSUB 3100
1070 PRINT
1080 PRINT "0  Select drive"
1090 PRINT "1  Reset device"
1100 PRINT "2  Identify device"
1110 PRINT "3  Sleep device"
1120 PRINT "4  Idle device"
1130 PRINT "5  Standby device"
1140 PRINT "6  Query power mode"
1150 PRINT "7  Execute diagnostics"
1160 PRINT "8  Recalibrate"
1170 PRINT "9  Test read"
1175 PRINT "10 Write BASIC""
1180 PRINT
1190 PRINT "Choose one";

1200 INPUT I
1210 I=I+1
1220 IF (I<1) OR (I>11) THEN 1200
1230 PRINT
1240 ON I GOSUB 3000,1300,6000,2200,2300,2400,2500,2600,2900,2700,20000
1250 GOTO 1065

1300 REM reset device(s)

1310 DOKE HR,(MD+BK) EOR 16 : REM select other drive
1320 CMD=8 
1330 GOSUB 11020
1340 DOKE HR,MD+BK : REM select drive
1350 CMD=8 
1360 GOSUB 11020

2200 REM go to sleep

2210 CMD=230
2220 DOKE SR,CMD : REM send command

2300 REM go to idle mode

2310 CMD=225
2320 GOTO 11000

2400 REM go to standby mode

2410 CMD=224
2420 GOTO 11000

2500 REM query device power mode

2510 CMD=229
2520 GOSUB 11000
2530 I=DEEK(SC) AND 255 : REM sector count
2540 PRINT "Device is in ";
2550 IF I=0 THEN PRINT "standby"; : GOTO 2590
2560 IF I=128 THEN PRINT "idle"; : GOTO 2590
2570 IF I=255 THEN PRINT "active"; : GOTO 2590
2580 PRINT "unknown";
2590 PRINT " mode"

2600 REM execute diagnostics

2610 CMD=144
2620 GOSUB 11000
2630 I=(DEEK(ER) AND 255) : REM read error register
2640 PRINT "Device 0 ";
2650 IF (I AND 127)=1 THEN PRINT "passed" : GOTO 2670
2660 PRINT "failed"
2670 PRINT "Device 1 ";
2680 IF (I AND 128) THEN PRINT "failed" : GOTO 2695
2690 PRINT "passed or not present"

2700 REM test read

2710 INPUT "Sector number";IX
2725 GOSUB 10000
2730 CMD=32
2740 GOSUB 11000

2750 REM display sector

2760 S$=""
2770 PRINT
2780 FOR WC=0 TO 255
2790 GOSUB 12000

2800 HH=(HI/256) AND 127
2810 IF HH<32 THEN HH=46
2815 HL=HI AND 127
2820 IF HL<32 THEN HL=46
2825 S$=S$+CHR$(HL)
2830 S$=S$+CHR$(HH)

2865 PRINT " ";HEX$(HI,4);

2870 IF (WC AND 7)<>7 THEN 2885
2875 PRINT "    ";S$
2880 S$=""
2885 NEXT 

2900 REM recalibrate device (seek to 0)

2910 IX=0
2920 GOSUB 10000
2930 CMD=16
2940 GOTO 11000

3000 REM change drive selection

3010 DO : INPUT "Which drive [0/1]";I
3020 LOOP WHILE (I AND -2)
3030 MD=MD AND 239
3040 IF I THEN MD=MD OR 16
3050 DOKE HR,MD+BK : REM select drive

3100 REM display allegedly selected drive

3110 PRINT "Drive ";
3120 IF (MD AND 16) THEN PRINT "1"; :GOTO 3140
3130 PRINT "0";
3140 PRINT " selected"

6000 REM read ID data and display drive parameters

6010 CMD=236
6020 GOSUB 11000
6030 GOSUB 12000

6035 REM will identify some ATAPI devices

6040 PRINT "ATA";
6050 IF (HI AND -32768) THEN PRINT "PI";
6060 PRINT " Device - ";
6070 IF (HI AND 128)=0 THEN PRINT "non";
6080 PRINT "removable media"
6085 PRINT

6090 GOSUB 12000 : CYL=HI
6100 GOSUB 12000
6110 GOSUB 12000 : HE=HI
6120 GOSUB 12000 : GOSUB 12000
6130 GOSUB 12000 : SPT=HI
6140 GOSUB 12000 : GOSUB 12000 : GOSUB 12000
6150 PRINT "Cylinders",CYL
6160 PRINT "Heads",HE
6170 PRINT "Sectors",SPT
6180 SIZE = CYL*HE*SPT/2048
6190 PRINT "Capacity",SIZE;" MB"
6195 PRINT
6200 PRINT "Serial # "," "; : CNT=10 : GOSUB 7000 : PRINT 
6210 GOSUB 12000 : GOSUB 12000 : GOSUB 12000
6220 PRINT "Rev: "," "; : CNT=4 : GOSUB 7000 : PRINT 
6230 PRINT "Model: "," "; : CNT=20 : GOSUB 7000 : PRINT
6240 PRINT 
6250 FOR I=1 TO 7
6260 GOSUB 12000
6270 NEXT
6280 GOSUB 12000 : PRINT "Current logical cylinders",HI
6300 GOSUB 12000 : PRINT "Current logical heads",HI
6310 GOSUB 12000 : PRINT "Current logical sectors",HI
6320 GOSUB 12000 : CAP=HI
6330 GOSUB 12000 : CAP=HI*65536+CAP
6340 PRINT "Current capacity in sectors",CAP
6350 GOSUB 12000 : GOSUB 12000 : CAP=HI
6360 GOSUB 12000 : CAP=HI*65536+CAP
6370 PRINT "User addressable LBA sectors";CAP
6380 FOR I=62 TO 255 : GOSUB 12000 : NEXT 

7000 REM read CNT words and output ASCII
7010 FOR I=1 TO CNT
7020 LO=PEEK(IO) : REM read data
7030 HI=PEEK(IO+1) : REM read data
7060 NEXT 

10000 REM Set LBA block number and sector count of 1
10005 REM As BASIC only has 24 significant bits this
10006 REM routine will break if the block number is
10007 REM greater than 16777216 (just over 8GB limit!)

10010 I1=IX AND 255
10020 IX=IX/256 : I2=IX AND 255
10030 IX=IX/256 : I3=IX AND 255
10040 IX=IX/256 : I4=IX AND 15
10050 DOKE HR,I4+MD+BK : REM drive/LBA upper 4 bits
10060 DOKE SS,I1 : REM LBA bits 0 to 7
10070 DOKE CL,I2 : REM LBA bits 8 to 15
10080 DOKE CH,I3 : REM LBA bits 26 to 23
10090 DOKE SC,1 : REM sector count
10100 RETURN

11000 REM send command to drive, ensure ready

11010 DO : LOOP UNTIL (PEEK(SR) AND 192)=64 : REM get status
11020 DOKE SR,CMD : REM send command
11030 DO : I=PEEK(SR) : REM get status
11040 LOOP UNTIL (I AND 128)=0
11050 IF (I AND 1)=0 THEN RETURN

11060 I=PEEK(ER) : PRINT "IDE Error, command";CMD : REM read error register
11062 IF (I AND 2) THEN PRINT "No media"
11064 IF (I AND 4) THEN PRINT "Aborted"
11066 IF (I AND 8) THEN PRINT "Media change requested"
11068 IF (I AND 16) THEN PRINT "Sector ID not found"
11070 IF (I AND 32) THEN PRINT "Media changed"
11072 IF (I AND 64) THEN PRINT "Uncorrectable error"
11090 RETURN

12000 REM read one word, return it in HI

12010 WAIT SR,16 : REM wait status
12020 HI=DEEK(IO) : REM read data
12030 RETURN

20000 REM write C000h-DFFDh to disk
20010 AA=$C000
20030 FOR WX = 1 TO 16
20040 PRINT "Writing sector";WX
20050 IX=WX
20060 GOSUB 10000
20070 CMD=48
20080 GOSUB 11000
20090 FOR WC=1 TO 256
20120 HI=DEEK(AA)
20140 AA=AA+2
20150 GOSUB 22000
20160 NEXT
20190 NEXT
20999 RETURN

22000 REM write one word in HI

22010 DO : LOOP UNTIL (PEEK(SR) AND 144)=16 : REM get status
22020 DOKE IO,HI : REM write data
22030 RETURN

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Last page update: 28th April, 2002.