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Enhanced BASIC, errata for 18th December 2001by Lee Davison

Sometimes, when cold starting, the interpreter would either crash totally or give spurious error messages such as "Out of memory error." or "Syntax error." instead of reporting the ammount of free memory. This was more likely the less memory BASIC had available.
The end of array memory pointer hadn't been set at this point and could cause the print string subroutine, which prints the string created from the bytes free value, to think that no memory was available. Also, as the pointers weren't all set yet, the garbage collection routine could then either fail, causing the "Out of memory" error, or crash causing other errors or even a hung machine.
The fix
The fix for this is easy, it just entails moving the "NEW" and "CLEAR" call to before you try to print anything.

Just after LAB_2E05 was ..

	JSR	LAB_CRLF		; print CR/LF
	LDA	Ememl			; get end of mem low byte
	SEC				; set carry for subtract
	SBC	Smeml			; subtract start of mem low byte
	TAX				; copy to X
	LDA	Ememh			; get end of mem high byte
	SBC	Smemh			; subtract start of mem high byte
	JSR	LAB_295E		; print XA as unsigned integer (bytes free)
	LDA	#LAB_SMSG		; point to sign-on message (high addr)
	JSR	LAB_18C3		; print null terminated string from memory
	JSR	LAB_1463		; do "NEW" and "CLEAR"
	LDA	#LAB_1274		; warm start vector high byte
	STA	Wrmjpl			; save warm start vector low byte
	STY	Wrmjph			; save warm start vector high byte
	JMP	(Wrmjpl)		; go do warm start
.. and this now becomes ..
	JSR	LAB_CRLF		; print CR/LF
	JSR	LAB_1463		; do "NEW" and "CLEAR"
	LDA	Ememl			; get end of mem low byte
	SEC				; set carry for subtract
	SBC	Smeml			; subtract start of mem low byte
	TAX				; copy to X
	LDA	Ememh			; get end of mem high byte
	SBC	Smemh			; subtract start of mem high byte
	JSR	LAB_295E		; print XA as unsigned integer (bytes free)
	LDA	#LAB_SMSG		; point to sign-on message (high addr)
	JSR	LAB_18C3		; print null terminated string from memory
	LDA	#LAB_1274		; warm start vector high byte
	STA	Wrmjpl			; save warm start vector low byte
	STY	Wrmjph			; save warm start vector high byte
	JMP	(Wrmjpl)		; go do warm start
.. This ensures that the "bytes free." message always prints correctly and is done in version 1.01.

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Last page update: 28th April, 2002.