At the top level, the Datatrak signal consists of sync data and a series of time-multiplexed navigation slots. Each transmitter is assigned one or more slots, which are either master slots (the transmitter generates the slot without a reference) or slave slots (synchronised to a master slot).
The sync data is phase-modulated onto the carrier centre frequency during the sync slot.
Datatrak uses two frequencies, around 10% apart.
These are the centre frequencies of the two channels used by the UK system.
Were a system like Datatrak to be implemented, its operation would be subject to the ITU Radio Regulations. The LF radionavigation allocation closest to Datatrak would be from 70 kHz to 130 kHz.
The old Datatrak frequencies are currently part of a fixed/maritime mobile allocation without radionavigation specified. Whether this could be re-used is a question better posed to the ITU or a national regulator!
The Datatrak signal is based on a 1.68-second cycle. In Interlaced systems, two cycles are chained to produce a pair. This provides 24 navigation slots, and is the “dual-cycle interlaced” scheme mentioned in the introduction.
A cycle takes the following form:
$F_1$ | Sync and timing | 1..8 | 9..16 | Sync and timing | 1..8 | 17..24 |
$F_2$ | Sync and timing | 9..16 | 1..8 | Sync and timing | 17..24 | 1..8 |
Chain 1's master provides the $F_1$ sync and timing, while chain 2's master provides the sync and timing for $F_2$.
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The SYNC data is transmitted by the chain master and used to allow receivers to synchronise themselves to the transmitted signal.
Function | Settling period | Trigger | Gap | Clock | Gap | Data (TX-TX) | Data (TX-RX) | Settling time | Nav. slots |
Time | 40 ms | 40 ms | 10 ms | 20 ms | 10 ms | 65 ms | 115 ms | 40 ms | 8 x 80ms |
These function as follows (names are from the Mk.II Locator serial interface):
The time format used by Mk.II is: AAAAA:BB:CCCC
is the clock (0 to 65535). This repeats every $65536 \times 64 \times 1.68 \mathrm{seconds}$ – or around 79 days.BB
is the Gold Code (0 to 63). This refers to the current cycle number; the bit position in the Gold Code sync sequence.CCCC
is the cycle offset or “Gold Code offset”. This is a value from 0 to 1679 which indicates the number of milliseconds since the start of the cycle.
This is incomplete
During the navigation “slots” two signals are transmitted: first one 40Hz higher than the centre frequency, then one 40Hz below it. These frequencies are known as the “+” (higher frequency) and “-” (lower frequency) signals.